Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Beneficial effects of the pandemic on environment

Today we are battling coronavirus and survival has become critical, but we have to learn a lot from this pandemic. The sky has turned blue, the air has become cleaner, water has become clear and the pollution level has fallen. There is no traffic on roads, empty streets, flights have been grounded, factories have shut down, all contribute to reduced pollution from transportation and industrial sector. Lockdown has also caused some effect upon wildlife. When one looks up at the night sky, one can actually see the stars. The air has become so clear that the Himalaya peaks are visible. Drop-in Nitrogen oxide, drop-in Carbon dioxide emission, reduction in particulate matter all add to the beauty of nature. Water quality of the river has improved as all the industrial activities are shut down due to lockdown and there are no industrial effluents and sewage waste .Aquatic life is getting better, fishes are playing on the shores. The world is becoming so beautiful these days, but the situation is going to revert to the same as soon as the lockdown is withdrawn and the world becomes normal again. These all are temporary effects for a short period of time, this short period of time can be utilized to learn a lesson from mother nature so that these temporary effects may stay permanent.

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