Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Are Human Beings The Real Virus?

While the world is going through its worst phase courtesy, the Novel Coronavirus; the human race seems to be at it’s receiving end in the most ruthless manner. The news about the surging tally of infected cases, simply makes one wonder if this is ever going to end? Essentially, the thought that naturally hits the mind is; who brought on this disaster?
Why are we facing the ire of the nature in its cruelest form?
If we ponder over the current situation with all honesty, pat comes the reply, it is us, the human beings, who is responsible for creating this hazardous environment for ourselves.
Don’t we really take the earth for granted and didn’t we do everything possible to ruin mother earth’s sanity? Well, it is indeed a strange situation to see how a virus emerged from nowhere and took on mankind as its greatest menace. If we, the people do not introspect it now then we will probably never know why it happened to us.
The fact that the planet witnessed a major dip in pollution levels and has remained clutter-free since the lockdown simply goes on to prove, how we the human race have unfairly treated the environs and are actually the real threat to our mother nature.
What was rather surprising was the fact that the health of the holy Ganga river has seen a massive improvement since the enforcement of nationwide lockdown. Despite of many campaigns and efforts by our  honourable Prime minister, Narendra Modi to clean Ganaga, we could never succeed to give Ganga, its purest quality, albeit the absence of human beings seems to have done the trick.Come to think of it, it is actually a matter of sheer embarrassment for humans that the Ganga river which we worship religiously had to rely on this lockdown to get clean. In fact, these days, we stumble upon several videos about how animals have even taken to the street and are happily hopping around as never before. So, what does it all tell us? To be brutally honest, all these developments have somewhere proven that human beings are causing an enormous amount of damage to the environment.
Animals are back to claim their space which we had snatched from them and what a perfect timing it is for them to do it so. This lockdown has forced all of us to hole up at home and this has served the other living creatures a golden opportunity to live and breathe freely without any intervention from the human activity.
Isn’t it time for us to reflect and rectify the mistakes that we have been committed since time immemorial?
As they say, better late than never, hence it is high time for mankind to respect nature and learn the art of co-existence. We need to accept the reality that the earth does not only belong to us and we have our fellow living beings who deserve an equal right to live.
Here’s hoping when this lockdown ends, we will be back to a happy, clean and peaceful world.
Please put down your thoughts down below in the comment section.

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