Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Unemployment in India

 Unemployment in India :- Machines are replacing humans. Automation is causing loss of jobs. In India, still many people are not able to afford education, and are forced to live unemployed. Our education system is not uniform throughout the country. Quality education is still a dream to many. Because of this, many do not have enough skills to compete in the job market. Even in this 21st century, some families in India do not allow women to work, and hence there is so much unemployent in Indian women. India ranking second in terms of population with  1.38 m  and still counting people, this problem becomes increasingly serious and hopeless. Providing jobs to this much population is not that easy. Where the government is trying its best to shorten the gap, it becomes worse with the rate of growth of population. Effects:- Increase in unemployment is directly proportional to the rate of growth in the economy of any country. With such enormous number of unemployed people, With less money in their pockets, people are restricted to change and upgrade their lifestyle and get in sync with the outside world today. This is causing low standards of living. Now that people either don’t have jobs or are poorly paid, in order to meet the demands of daily routine, weak people tend to fall into the trap of illegal jobs and commit criminal offences for money. This is causing robberies, kidnaps, murders, drug trade etc. Along with the middle-class family standard gradually moving towards the high-class society, the poor society in moving in the opposite direction which is eventually pulling them below the poverty line. Gap between the rich and poor is widening. 

Steps taken by Indian Government:- 

1 _Skill India  

2 _Integrated Rural Development Program:

3 _Drone Prone Area Program:

4 _Jawahar Rozgar Yojana:  

5 _Employment Assurance Scheme:  

6 _Swaran Jayanti Rojgar Yojana:  

7 _Make In India: 

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