Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Paramount of Every English Teacher

It is of paramount importance for an English teacher to know what is his/her objective and how it is to be achieved.A teacher without clear aims and objectives  is as good as a traveller without a specific destination.
It’s very important to intimate your students the aims and objective as it really makes your teaching learning atmosphere lively.
As in India English has been taught as a foreign language, the ultimate aim of teaching English should be to help their students acquire practical command of English and its practical usage in their day to day life.
When I say practical usage,I mean students must be able to Listen(L),Speak(S), Read(R) and Write(W) correct English.The students must acquire command on all the basic skills of English i.e L,S,R and W.This means English in India must be taught as a language and not as a literature.
It is the Universal truth that the aim of language is to pave the way to literature.
Every English teacher has to be very much keen to achieve few aims and objectives while he/she is teaching her students; such as:
1.To understand written English
2.To understand Spoken English
3.To speak correct English
4.To write correct English
When we say that our students must be able to understand written English then it is the prime most duty of a teacher to make the students well acquainted and familiar with the vocabulary along with the correct grammatical sentences.Reading must go hand in hand and hence teacher must make an effort to give a model reading along with correct pronunciation and intonation.Here teacher can give few passages for comprehension for student.Then teacher can ask few questions related to the passage given which will help her get the proper feedback of her students.It is a humble request please make sure you as the teacher should not forget that the questions are asked as a test of comprehension and not as a test of composition.Therefore it is not necessary for a student to know each and every word’s meaning.Do not forget that your students are in learning process.
It’s very true that it is more difficult to understand spoken English than written English due to the following reasons:
Elliptical usages
Unfamiliar Intonation
Difference in pronunciation
Speed at which words are spoken
Here teacher has to train her students by giving them ear-training exercise.This can be done by making the students to listen to various speakers.
To speak correct English is nothing but the students must acquire the ability to speak English correct and accurately along with fluency.Here Indian students find it difficult to master this skill as they first think in their mother tongue and then translate it into English.This basically leads to wrong sentence construction.
Hence it is the duty of every English teacher to speak in English  while she delivers her/his lectures.It is aptly  said that”English can be taught in English only.” Every teacher must be master in her own subject.And when it comes to English teacher it’s not an optional case.It is must for every English teacher to make her students well aware of : English vocabulary,idioms,correct pronunciation and intonation.Here teacher can guide her students to make use of audio visual aids ,use of radio,lingua-phone and language laboratory.Listening to speeches of great personalities will surely be helpful for improving correct spoken English.Please make a note that even the English teacher is the role model for his/her students and hence he/she must be able to handle all skills perfectly.
To write correct English is a challenging task for most of the students.Here the student must be able to express his ideas properly in English. Here teacher must make sure that her student is acquiring the skills such as :formation of letters, spelling of words, selection of right words according to the context and construction of correct sentences.
Hence I conclude that all the above skills i.e L,S,R & W should be regarded as paramount and equal importance should be given to each of them.Because a good teacher can inspire hope,ignite imagination and instil the love of learning.

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