Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Unemployment in India

 Unemployment in India :- Machines are replacing humans. Automation is causing loss of jobs. In India, still many people are not able to afford education, and are forced to live unemployed. Our education system is not uniform throughout the country. Quality education is still a dream to many. Because of this, many do not have enough skills to compete in the job market. Even in this 21st century, some families in India do not allow women to work, and hence there is so much unemployent in Indian women. India ranking second in terms of population with  1.38 m  and still counting people, this problem becomes increasingly serious and hopeless. Providing jobs to this much population is not that easy. Where the government is trying its best to shorten the gap, it becomes worse with the rate of growth of population. Effects:- Increase in unemployment is directly proportional to the rate of growth in the economy of any country. With such enormous number of unemployed people, With less money in their pockets, people are restricted to change and upgrade their lifestyle and get in sync with the outside world today. This is causing low standards of living. Now that people either don’t have jobs or are poorly paid, in order to meet the demands of daily routine, weak people tend to fall into the trap of illegal jobs and commit criminal offences for money. This is causing robberies, kidnaps, murders, drug trade etc. Along with the middle-class family standard gradually moving towards the high-class society, the poor society in moving in the opposite direction which is eventually pulling them below the poverty line. Gap between the rich and poor is widening. 

Steps taken by Indian Government:- 

1 _Skill India  

2 _Integrated Rural Development Program:

3 _Drone Prone Area Program:

4 _Jawahar Rozgar Yojana:  

5 _Employment Assurance Scheme:  

6 _Swaran Jayanti Rojgar Yojana:  

7 _Make In India: 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why Is Physical Education So Important?

 It is no secret that appropriate physical activity is necessary to a student's overall well-being. The benefits of physical education in schools are far-reaching(दूर तक पहुँचना), including both increased student physical health(स्वास्थ) and better academic performance. Physical education is more than just running around a track or kicking a ball. It teaches children key life skills alongside improving(सुधारना) their health and wellbeing(हाल चाल). Obesity (मोटापा)continues to rocket across the globe and more people are taking on sedentary(गतिहीन) lifestyles. Promoting a positive mindset about exercise from an early age will help to keep them healthy as they get older.

In recent years, many schools have cut back on their physical education programmes, placing greater emphasis(जोर देना) on academics as they strive(कोशिश करना) to prepare students for college and the workforce. Yet research shows that adults who had regular PE classes in school are more than twice as likely to be physically active as their non-PE counterparts(समकक्ष).  In fact, children who have regular Physical Education lessons at school will be likely to experience the following benefits:

Physical and Mental Health

Well-versed in child development, PE teachers ensure that the curriculum consists of age-appropriate activities that support growing minds and bodies. They will adapt lessons to make them appropriate for their groups and ensure that they do not overwhelm children with skills or requirements that may be too advanced. At the same time, they know when students are ready to be pushed. PE improves motor skills and increases muscle strength and bone density, which in turn makes students more likely to engage in healthy activity outside of school. Furthermore it educates children on the positive benefits of exercise and allows them to understand how good it can make them feel.

Participating in PE puts children on track to make regular exercise a habit-- one that can combat obesity and reduce the likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. It also helps to maintain their brain and mental health. By making exercise ‘normal’ from an early age this becomes ingrained in them throughout their lives.  

Physical education motivates children to expand their skills, as grasping the fundamentals of one sport makes it easier to master the rules of another. Since students spend a considerable amount of time in school, it is an ideal setting to empower them to take responsibility for their health. Often a secondary benefit of physical education is that children become more aware of what they are putting in their bodies. They realise the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and that sugary snacks are not the best way to gain energy for their sport.  They will often want to find out more about their bodies and this again teaches them to care for themselves and others.

Studies also suggest that students who are less active are more likely to experience sleep disorders. Regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety, contributing to healthy sleep patterns, which in turn lead to better mental health, immune system functioning, and overall well-being.

Social Skills

Physical education that begins in early childhood demonstrates the value of  cooperation, while being part of a team gives them a sense of identity. When PE teachers model prosocial behaviours, children gain skills that pave the way for healthy interactions and relationships throughout life. This teaches them essential communication skills and social skills. It helps them become team players, work alongside a diverse range of team mates and be able to support others. 

Learning the fundamentals of popular sports also provides a constructive way for students to fit in with their peers, especially as they approach adolescence. Being able to understand a range of sports or hobbies allows them to be part of something bigger than their classroom. They may find a real passion for a particular sport, start attending sporting fixtures and they may even go on to have a career within the sporting industry. Having the opportunities to ignite this type of passion whilst developing a range of skills is hugely important.  

Self-Esteem and Character Development

Playing team sports in a structured setting reinforces leadership and good sportsmanship. Playing various roles on a team and gaining new skills encourage students to respect themselves and their peers. It also teaches them to be understanding to others and support them through their difficulties.

 Gestures such as a hand shake, a pat on the back or a high-five from a team-mate helps to build confidence and camaraderie, and earning praise from coaches or other players also helps to improve self-esteem. This then leads to increasing children’s confidence to trust their abilities and to progress their skills within their sport. It is important for children to understand that self-esteem should not rely on winning or losing, but in the taking part and learning from every opportunity. Children who receive constructive criticism well are shown to be better at making changes to improve themselves, whether it be at school, in work or in sport.


As they hone their abilities through individual and team sports, children learn self-discipline and goal-setting. They learn that there will always be winners and losers but that it is important to accept this and to get back up when needed, or in turn to encourage those around us to carry on. 

Discipline is essential for sport and this can be both mental and physical. In sport, children need to follow rules and take orders from their coaches. Sometimes they must accept decisions that they may not agree with. This teaches them an important life skill that will help them throughout their life and careers. According to the International Platform on Sport and Development, “sport has been used as a practical tool to engage young people in their communities through volunteering, resulting in higher levels of leadership, community engagement and altruism among young people.”

Better Academic Performance

The many benefits of PE carry over from the playing field or gymnasium into the classroom, leading to better academic performance. Research reveals that children who take part in physical education are better able to regulate their behaviour and stay focused in class. Often sport gives children the opportunity to take their minds off their academic studies. It offers the chance for them to relax, release pent up emotions and to spend time having fun with their friends. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Why is professionalism important?


Why is professionalism important?

In the working world, your professionalism encompasses the way you carry yourself, your attitude and the ways you communicate with others. Being professional can ensure a positive first impression, successful interpersonal relationships and a lasting reputation within your organization and industry.

“Whether you’re preparing for an interview, starting your first day on the job or advancing in your career, professionalism and workplace etiquette are always important,” explains Katy Curameng, director of career planning and development at Brandman University. “Regardless of overall performance, careers have been known to stall (or even fail to start) because an individual did not display these qualities.”

Generally speaking, etiquette centers on respect. In an office environment, it’s important to be thoughtful when it comes to your interactions, acknowledging other people’s time and how you treat your workspace. Workplace etiquette is important because it ensures that your presence won’t be a burden on anyone else’s work experience.

According to U.S. Department of Labor, there are few things employers value more than employees who fulfill their duties in a professional manner. In fact, employees with a high degree of professionalism are frequently perceived as being more credible and reliable than their coworkers. Mastering workplace etiquette can also give young workers an edge as they begin their careers. In the most generationally diverse workforce we’ve ever experienced, professionalism transcends age.

But professionalism isn’t just one trait — it’s a combination of a few different qualities. 

1. Honor your commitments

2. Be attentive, responsive and proactive

3. Get to know the workplace culture

4. Keep personal matters to a minimum

5. Avoid the negative side of office politics

Sunday, November 29, 2020

GD Topic 30/11/2020


  • How to deal with inflation?

  • Corruption in politics

  • Drug abuse in sports

  • Is India a soft nation?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Is a Business Consultant?

  • Business consultants help companies overcome challenges, increase revenue or grow.
  • It's important to ensure business consultants have experience and previous success with companies like yours.
  • Business consultants may charge by the project or the hour, or require daily or monthly retainers.
Business consultants provide management consulting to help organizations improve their performance and efficiency. These professionals analyze businesses and create solutions while also helping companies meet their goals. Business owners should consider hiring business consultants when they need help or perspective on their chosen path or a catalyst for change in their companies.
There are several reasons business owners should consider hiring consultants. Consultants offer a wide range of services, including the following:
  • Providing expertise in a specific market
  • Identifying problems
  • Supplementing existing staff
  • Initiating change
  • Providing objectivity
  • Teaching and training employees
  • Doing the "dirty work," like eliminating staff
  • Reviving an organization
  • Creating a new business
  • Influencing other people, such as lobbyists
The first step for any business consultant is the discovery phase, where the goal is to learn the client's business. A good business consultant takes the time to learn as much as possible about the business from the owner and employees. This can include touring the facility, meeting with the board of directors and employees, analyzing the finances and reading all company materials. During this process, the business consultant will uncover the details of a company's mission and what operations are in place.
Once the business consultant has developed an in-depth understanding of the company, they enter the evaluation phase, where the goal is to identify where change is needed. This phase includes identifying the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as current and foreseeable problems. These issues can include problems that ownership and management have already identified, as well as new problems the business consultant discovers as a result of their objectivity. A business consultant should also identify opportunities to grow the business, increase profits and boost efficiency.
In addition to identifying these problems and opportunities, a business consultant should develop solutions to problems and plans for capitalizing on opportunities. Perhaps a company has a particularly strong sales department but a weak marketing department. This is an opportunity for the company to increase marketing resources and capitalize on the sales staff. During this phase, it's important for the consultant and the company's employees to maintain open, clear communications.
It's important for a business owner to take the business consultant's advice at this stage as constructive criticism. The owner should not take this criticism personally, as the business consultant brings objectivity and a fresh viewpoint. The owner may be personally close to the business, which can be an obstacle to positive change and growth. The owner should have feedback and provide opinions to the business consultant, which the business owner should consider and revise plans as necessary.
Once the owner and the consultant agree on a plan, the consultant should enter the third phase of consulting. This is the restructuring phase, or the implementation of the plan. In this phase, the consultant builds on assets and eliminates liabilities. They also monitor the plan's progress and adjust it as needed.
Finding the right business consultant may be the most difficult part for the owner or management. The consultant should have a passion for their work, a drive for excellence and an eye for organization and detail. It's important to find a consultant who has expertise in your industry or experience with the kinds of problems your business faces. Also, make sure they have solid referrals.
In addition, ensure the business consultant has any necessary certifications that are relevant to your industry. You should vet the consultant through their website and materials. Look for professional images and well-documented information about their services. It's a good idea to request examples of past successes and to speak to those businesses.
The right background for the consultant you choose depends on your industry and needs. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that consultants can be management (business), scientific or technical. If you want someone to help your company develop new proprietary software or computer-based workflow, you may want to engage a technical consultant. But outside of specific needs, companies usually work with management consultants when they want to improve their bottom line, customer satisfaction or employee morale.
Regardless of the type of consultant you work with, their background is critical. It helps you understand how likely they are to improve your business. Here's what to consider when reviewing potential consultants:
  • Do they have hands-on experience? This can be especially important in the business world. If someone came directly out of college labeling themselves as a consultant, do they really know anything more than you do? Consider looking for consultants who have successfully owned or run small businesses, enterprise organizations or specific departments.
  • Is their experience applicable? A former bank CEO may seem impressive, but do they have the knowledge and experience to turn your cupcakery into a profitable small business? They might, but if you're also considering a former restaurant owner who now makes a living successfully helping small eateries grow, this consultant may be a better match for your business. Look for consultants who have worked in your industry and with businesses that match yours in style, size, needs and goals.
  • What's their track record with consulting? You don't just want a consultant who has the right experience; you want a consultant who has demonstrated success with companies like yours. Ask for a portfolio or list of brands the consultant has worked for, and request references. Look for a consultant who has helped businesses overcome the types of challenges you're facing or who has grown businesses very similar to yours, and reach out to those companies to find out if they were satisfied with the services.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, management consultants make an average of $150,000 per year (or $62.93 per hour). But that's what the person "takes home" as income, and consulting charges are typically higher to cover business expenses. Consultants don't always charge by the hour. According to a consultant fee study from Consulting Success, here are some popular fee methods and the percentages of consultants who favor them:
  • Per project – 34.2%
  • Hourly – 27.3%
  • Monthly retainer – 15.1%
  • Daily rate – 14.1%
  • Other – 9.3%
According to the study, 43% of consultants earn up to $5,000 per project, though some make more than $100,000 per project. Obviously, the size, scope and length of the project determine the cost.
Business consultants are an expense, but their feedback and planning can help increase business and boost profits while eliminating problems and identifying opportunities to ensure future success.

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Every Month, Delhi Police Lose One Cop Due To Depression, Erratic ...

SSC Delhi Police Constable 2020 Exam Pattern & Syllabus: SSC has begun the registration process for filling up of Constable (Executive) Male and Female in Delhi Police as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Delhi Police and the Staff Selection Commission.  The online exam for 5846 Vacancies will be conducted from 27th November to 14th December 2020 across different examination centers. Below are important dates SSC Constable (Executive) Delhi Police 2020 Exam:

Important Dates for SSC Constable (Executive) Delhi Police 2020 Exam

Dates for submission of online applications

1st August 2020 to 7th September 2020

Last date for receipt of application

7th September 2020 (11:30 PM)

Last date for making online fee payment

9th September 2020 (11:30 PM)

Last date for generation of offline Challan

11th September 2020 (11:30 PM)

Last date for payment through Challan

14th September 2020 (during working hours of Bank)

Date of Computer Based Examination (Paper-1)

27th November to 14th December 2020

Date of PET & PST

To be notified later